dimarts, 26 de maig del 2015

What a bargain!!

I've been looking for hard drives of 1tb for less than 70 euros, and I've chosen this two. Check it out!


For 62.90 euros (free delivered) get a Toshiba 1tb with USB connexion in ebay! It's new, with the original envelope. Only available in black color.
It's available to work with Windows  and MAC without requaring any software. The speed of information transmission is up to 5 Gbps, and the device weights 230 g. As you can see in the picture, it's quite little, so it fits in you're pocket.


Resultat d'imatges de wd hard drives

Find this WD Element in Amazon for only 59 euros. You can also get a cover for this hard drive for only 3.10 euros more! It's also available only in black.

It weights 249 g, and the information transmission speed is 625 Mbps. It is designed for Windows operatinf system, but it can be formated.


The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to their second child, a baby girl, at 08:34 BST (07:34 GMT) on 2 May at St Mary's Hospital in London. The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth of the 8lbs 3oz (3.7kg) baby. On 4 May Kensington Palace announced that the duke and duchess had named her Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. She is fourth in line to the throne and will be known as Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge.

dimarts, 19 de maig del 2015

TRIP TO LONDON DAY 1 (8th of May) - 6.20
flight from Barcelona (El Prat airport) with vueling - 7.50 arriving to London (Gatwick airport) - 8.00 taxi is taking you to the hotel (Plaza on the River Club and Residence) that is 1Km from the center. - 9.00 to 10.00 time to leave the suitcases and see the hotel. these are the vews from the hotel room in this photo we can see one of the foods that the excelent restaurant offers this is the room you will stay the hotel offers: Restaurant (à la carte) Facilities for Disabled Guests VIP Room Facilities Snack Bar gym Non-smoking rooms Currency exchange elevator heating Ironing Service Breakfast in the Room Business center bar safe Ticketing Bridal Suite WiFi Meeting / Banquet 24 Hour Reception Car rental Luggage Babysitting / restaurant family Rooms Laundry service Free WiFi Room Service press Internet WiFi in the whole house private parking Dry Cleaning Service Pets Allowed shiner Concierge service tourist information air conditioning Fax / Photocopying Check-Out - from 10.00 to 00.00 you have time to visit all the places and monuments, dircober the city and try amazing food. DAY 2 - You can go to museums (that are free), gallerys and restaurants. DAY 3 - from the morning until 19.00 you can visit London - 19.00 - 19.30 time to take the suitcases - 19.30 - 20.00 taxi to airport - 21.05 flight from London (Gatwick airport) - 00.10 arivement to Barcelona.(El Prat airport)

dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2015

3. Entra en una d'elles i explica la informació més significativa que conté: qui l'ha creat i qui la dirigeix, objectius, ubicació, etc.

- Web:

- Qui l'ha creat?
   - El Departament d'Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya

   - Orientat i desenvolupatper a l'alumnat, les famílies i al professorat de les escoles de Catalunya per ensenyar, aprendre i tenir eines d'ensenyament interactives i diferents a les de l'aula teòrica.

- Orígens:
   - Històricament, l’edu365 va ser creat com un portal per proporcionar a l’alumnat recursos curriculars de totes les àrees de manera que poguessin tenir accés a ells des de qualsevol lloc amb accés a Internet. Es van anar creant miniunitats didàctiques, recursos i aplicacions per a gairebé totes les àrees. Així mateix, també es van integrar aquelles activitats fetes amb aplicacions pròpies com el JClic i recursos externs de tercers amb prou qualitat com per aparèixer a l’edu365.

Protocls TCP/IP

1- Busca informació a Internet i respon les qüestions següents:
 a) Per a què serveix el protocol TCP/IP? Permet que un equip es pugui conectar a una red.
 b) El protocol TCP, és maquinari o programari? És programari.
 c)Resumeix breument el funcionament del protocol TCP. Conjunt de regles establertes en la transmissió d'informació entre ordinadors que garanteixen que les dades seran transferides sense errors i en el mateix ordre en què van ser transmeses.
 d) Hi ha altres protocols, a més del TCP/IP? Si
3. Relaciona les sigles d'aquesta taula sobre estàndards a Internet amb el nom en anglès, la traducció en català i la definició corresponents:

1. HTTP - B. hypertext transfer protocol - d) protocol de transferència d'hipertext - 5) Llenguatge en què s'escriuen els documents als quals s'accedeix mitjançant els navegadors WWW. Admet components d'hipertext i multimèdia.

2. HTML - E. hypertext markup language - b) llenguatge d'etiquetatge d'hipertext - 1) Protocol de comunicacions utilitzat pels programes client i servidor del WWW per comunicar-se entre si.
3. IP - C. Internet protocol - c) protocol d'Internet - 4) Adreça mitjançant la qual s'identifica cada ordinador que està connectat a Internet.
4. TCP - A. transmission control protocol - a) protocol de control de transmissió - 2) Regles establertes en la transmissió d'informació entre ordinadors que garanteixen que les dades seran transferides sense errors i en el mateix ordre en què es van transmetre.

5. URL - D. uniform resource locator - e) localitzador uniforme de recursos - 3) Sèrie de caràcters estandaritzats que s'utilitzen per anomenar recursos a la xarxa.

dimarts, 17 de març del 2015

1- Busca informació a Internet i respon les qüestions següents:

 a) Per a què serveix el protocol TCP/IP? - Perquè permet que un equip es pugui conectar a una red.

 b) El protocol TCP, és maquinari o programari? -És programari.

 c)Resumeix breument el funcionament del protocol TCP. -Conjunt de regles establertes en la transmissió d'informació entre ordinadors que garanteixen que les dades seran transferides sense errors i en el mateix ordre en què van ser transmeses.

 d) Hi ha altres protocols, a més del TCP/IP? -ARP, FTP, HTTP, POP...

dimarts, 10 de març del 2015

Search in the websites provided and tell me who was who in Henry VIII's life.

2. Why did Henry VIII marry so many women ?
Henry VII first married Catherine of Aragon, but they get divorced because he fall in love with another lady, Anne Boleyn who was executed in the Tower of London because she couldn't give Henry a male son. Then he married Jane Saymour. Unfortunately, she died just two weeks after her son was born. So Henry decided to get married again. Anne of Cleves was the next, but they got divorced the same year they got married. Sixteen days after he was free of Anne, Henry took his fifth wife, Kathryn Howard. She was executed, accused of infidelity. Finally, he married Katherin Parr, who ended windowing from Henry VII.


3. Imagine you could go back in time and become Henry VIII.
What would you have done in such circumstances ?
Debate what he should or shouldn't have done. Afterwards, write an essay expressing on opinion on the issue.
In Tudor times the City was the centre of trade and commerce as well as the overcrowded home of thousands. Westminster housed both the king and parliament while Southwark was devoted to louche pleasures such as bear-baiting, prostitution and the theatre. These three distinct areas were surrounded by countryside.Find out a bit more about the London where both Elizabeth and Shakespeare lived.
Identify the places shown in the next pictures of Tudor London
View of London by J.C. Visscher, from Londinum Florentiss[i]ma Britanniae Urbs, 1616
The Guildhall Library, Corporation of London
London in 1616 by Claes Van Visscher

The Guildhall Library, Corporation of London

Tudor London can be described as a _prosperous_ city during the Tudor 
dynasty. In fact, the population increased from _75 000_ inhabitants with Henry VII to _200 000_ at the end of the 16th century.
The Tudor monarchs had a royal residence in London called _Whitehall Palace_ and another in the countryside,called _Hampton Court_, after _Cardinal Wolsey_ gave it to Henry VIII.These Tudor kings and queens used what are now famous parks , such as _Richmond Park_ or _Hyde Park_, as Royal hunting forests.
Not many Tudor buildings survive today, mostly because of _the Great Fire_ , which happened in _1666_. Besides, , the 13 religious houses in London were _either converted for private use or pulled down for building materials_ after the Dissolution of the monasteries, which was _a measure of Henry VIII to control the church's power, because he felt they had too much _.
Apart from that, the theatres were banned from the city by _the city authorities_ because _they thought they wasted workmen's time_. Then, they were built in _Southwark_, where now a reconstruction of the _Globe Theatre__ can be visited to learn about Tudor theatre.
At that time, London's financial rival was the city of _Amsterdam_, and to be able to compete with it , the _Royal Exchange_ was created in 1560.
So, all in all, and because of many other events and facts, we can say that both London and England were _powerful_.

dimarts, 3 de març del 2015

Name: Ricard               The WiFi wasn’t work  the last week
Surname: Argemí

Facebook: Is a social network site that you can put photos, comment about something you like, share videos… created by Mark Zuckerberg 

Twitter: Is a social network site that is really similar of Facebook but you can follow people etc…

Whatsapp:  Is an a application for the  phone that you can talk with text with your phone contacts  

Social nets web:  is the set of all the applications listed above and more.

Forums: A million of web sites that people can help you with problems.


 it’s a space in internet were you can stick photos of whatever you like in different “tables”. Their friends can comment the “tables” and say if they like it or not. 
Pic Monkey: Maite said  that we don’t had to do it.

Wikispace: it’s a networking site where you can find information of all you want. People write what they know about some issue. 
App Inventor:

Is a web that you can make an a application for the phone.